Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wikimedia: Conference seeks open cultural content

Stealing a headline here, but following on from yesterday's mention of cultural institutions using Wikis to gather and share planning and policy...here's another one, but only about 100 times bigger!

It will be interesting to see the outtakes from this conference and its many notable speakers. Here's hoping the content is captured and shared just as they are aiming to do with Australia's (and NZ's) cultural content....although one question...er, what about the other arts?

'In a world-first conference, the Wikimedia Australia community will this week sit down with more than 170 senior executives from the nation’s largest cultural institutions – from the National Gallery to the Parliamentary Library – to devise strategies to better share Australia's cultural heritage.

Called ‘GLAM-WIKI: Finding Common Ground,’ the event at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra on August 6-7 brings together Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums (GLAM) with Wikimedia Australia, the all-volunteer force that brings Australian content to the Wikipedia site.

GLAM-WIKI convener and Wikimedia Australia vice-president Liam Wyatt says the conference aims to increase the availability of Australian and New Zealand cultural content through Wikipedia in a sustainable way through collaboration and the open source treatment of cultural items.'

To visit the official wiki of GLAM-Wiki see here


  1. This has exploded today on twitter, make sure you check out all the #glam-wiki references.

  2. more at http://www.katelundy.com.au/2009/08/07/glam-wiki-finding-common-ground/

  3. yes, commenting myself again!

    "we are in middle of a cultural & learning revolution led by online. Capability, connectivity & content are key"


  4. "Paul Reynolds: If organisations don't have a digital strategy - shut 'em down! #glam-wiki"

  5. lyndakelly61 #glam-wiki Smithsonian: virtual & physcal visitors have same rights to learn.

  6. "Paul Reynolds: next generation web will be ubiquitous, social and semantic. Next gen a personal and contextual web - Paul Reynolds #GLAM-WIKI"

  7. "Jim_Croft #smithsonian as the model for putting collections and cultural data 'out there' - the challenge has be made"

  8. "ELYW @sebchan makes the point about how do we articulate the value of cultural heritage to the 'citizenry'? We're not doing this well. "

  9. http://www.scribd.com/doc/17313280/Template-Twitter-Strategy-for-Government-Departments

  10. "piers_higgs Making collections available to public increases awareness & value that public place on the collection which has flow on effects"

    "lyndakelly61 #glam-wiki @katelundy @sebchan Need to change KPIs to be about access (& IMV not just bums on seats to blockbuster exhibtions!)"

    "lyndakelly61 changing KPI's to make them about access!!! (via @snomelf) yes but some will argue how do u make money on this?!

    Phew that's it for now...so many Tweets from this room, more thought later! Megs.
