Well the sessions appeared to sizzle today, we at least from the outside. There were a few flames that caught my fancy along the way.
Bag out the major institutions...
There were a few taunts from the twitter stream about 'us' well funded major performing arts companies and 'our' emergence from the dark ages...speaking the truth?
socialinterior I find this event very focused on the major performing arts and the issues they are having catching up on where everyone else is at #rtarts
A wonderful profound comment from one user about the resistance to open up to new media had me hoping to use a new favourite phrase...
artsdigitalera RT @The_Art_Life: New media world collides with old world art politics of entitlement.#RTArts
Ahhhh the 'politics of entitlement' that would make a wonderful PhD chapter I'm sure.
Whose Right is it anyway?
It seems rights management was a huge issue...I won't pull out some of the quotable quotes but again, here is us (them?) squabbling about who owns and who profits when all audiences want to do is engage? Surely everyone can see that?
Lessons Learned?
But the big fun of the day was some of the er, comments that heated up the Twitterverse when the Aussie Cosi presentation began. A summary of the presentation can be found here.
Snarky comments...there were a few...
socialinterior The Australian Opera discovers social networks#rtartscommuter_dirge@aussiecosi has 88 following, 54 followers, and 91 tweets. Hardly a roaring success... #RTArtscommuter_dirge twitalyzer score for @aussiecosi:http://tr.im/Db2n: "0.3 influence" "0.0% generosity" "0.7% clout" (now I'm just being mean) #RTArtsunsungsongs . @commuter_dirge and 66 facebook firends. That's a #fail surely?#RTArtscommuter_dirge @fireinthesouth well, that's you're brand, just as@AussieCosi is a branded account. It's really not a great case study. #RTArtsunsungsongs I am extremely curious about whether those involved in Aussie Cosi see it as a success and how they judge that?#rtartsmattriviera @aussiecosi What did you learn thru social media feedback you couldn't have gotten thru a survey? Best use of social media? #RTArtsmattriviera @aussiecosi Wouldn't a good way for fan community to engage with the work be for them to appropriate it? To re-interpret it? #RTArtsshoes_off @elliottbledsoe @commuter_dirge true, but showcasing a more active community than cosi would have displayed the scalability of SM #rtartscommuter_dirge @bimyou_bimyou I'm not talking monetising twitter in and of itself. but you need to show some proof of it working & a correllation #RTArtsdziga @aussiecosi doesn't seem to have a lot of followers #rtartsrevealingarts Katrina Sedgwick: "Messing", "playing", "getting in there", these are the kind of mind frame to approach digital, not "sell tickets" #RTArts
Snarky yes... but justifiably snarky...I leave that to you dear readers. What struck me about the response to the session and the overall experience of watching this conference unfold online was a clear realisation that you can't wait and then be forced into a situation where you have to play catch up. There is nothing wrong with experimentation...and sometimes, that in itself is the way forward until strategy catches up..."Messing", "playing", "getting in there"... I can't wait.
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