Friday, December 11, 2009

#bbfuture or Realising Our Broadband Future

Hmmmm not so sure about the logo design above, but the wrap up is beginning on the two day Federal Government forum hosted by UNSW (and supported by numerous twitter and wiki inputs) to gather thoughts and strategies for (drum roll) 'Realising Our Broadband Future' (said with an eerie space is the final frontier type voice over...well at least in my head it was).

Again here is another example of what happens when even big brother is not sure of how to move forward digitally. But is anyone else seeing the pattern? All this online contribution to source a way forward is actually paving the path? Webcasts, twitter streams, wiki use...
Conroy: #bbfuture has more than 60,000 people on the wikis, generated over 3,300 Tweets & over 25,000 hits to the video live stream
Perhaps joram10 says it best...
@joram10 #bbfuture What a top experience - sitting in my office on the Sunshine Coast but participating as if I were there - sign of things to come.
See the Government site here where you can watch webcasts or listen on demand or perhaps browse the compiled wiki here or if you are on twitter search for #bbfuture

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