Saturday, February 6, 2010

Radio Ga Ga

and no....I haven't set up a channel dedicated to the songs of Lady Ga Ga! I'm experiencing morning radio disillusionment, aka I can't find anything to listen to as I rush to get dressed and put on a face in the morning.

For many years I've been an avid Nova FM listener. Before that I fluctuated between a Triple M and 2day FM. Before that it was a Mike Carlton phase. Before that....I can't really remember. This all started when I got my radio mojo out of whack by not working for a couple of months, thereby having no need to listen to the radio as I got dressed and put on a face in the morning.

But now I am once again among the clothed and groomed, I need something. Suddenly the easy listening for the over 30's that was my holiday choice de jour...Vega FM doesn't suit a 8.30am rush about. It's not the music so much...although even I could eventually get sick of U2 followed by [insert 80s power ballad] but the announcer, the dj....eeek! If I wanted mundane suburban middle class values preached at me before breakfast...I'd...well....keep listening. So what to do and where to go?
  • ABC Classic FM - there's only so much I can take
  • Triple J - am I cool enough for the hipsters?
  • FBi - love you on a Sunday morning, but come on...even I could play the synthesizer better than that
  • AM dial? (do I even have an AM dial?) I hate news in the morning, weather yes, news I can leave
This week I have stuck it out with Triple J, but am I an impostor hipster, or someone trying to reclaim the the youth I never had? I'm really not sure, but if you know of a channel that may suit, recommendations are welcome!

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