Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things I should of remembered from 2008

Now, how about a blast from the past? I was at this presentation. I remember it, I remember thinking yes, this is the kind of thing I need to be hearing.

I think I'm also starting to mix it up with one from the 2009 Ticketing conference in Feb this year. But no matter, never hurts to be rousted by a stirring keynote speech...

How's this for some info?

About 14 years ago I learned something about the relationship between many Americans and the arts. I was teaching a general survey course, Intro to Theater, at a small public university in ldaho, a rural state known mainly for its potatoes. On the first day of class each term I would ask the 120 or so students to raise their hands if they had ever seen a professional theater production. About 10 hands would go up. I would then say, "Raise your hand if you would like to see one." 15-20 hands would go up. Remember, this was before podcasting, blogging, YouTube, MySpace, Iphones, and P2P file sharing revolutionized communication and social networking.

So, I would ask of the remaining students, "'Why wouldn't you want to see aplay?" The answer was generally, "I've gone this long without seeing a play, and I don't feel like I'm missing anything."

You don't miss what vou've never had.

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