Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bagpipes and the blue rinse set....

So off I went tonight to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Australia. Oh yes, you heard that at the Military Tattoo!

Now before I divulge a secret love of tartan and that ear piercing sound that only an old skin bag which is blown into can make and I should mention my grandfather (on my father's side) did actually play the bagpipes I believe, but I was more coerced than jumping for joy at being a ticket holder. I went so my Mother could go....she who is an avid watcher of Tattoo on telly and who would love to go in person in Edinburgh, but for now the Sydney Football Stadium had to suffice.

So how was it? I've never seen a more orderly crowd, nor one containing that many blue rinses. The announcer pre show did a shout out of people...I think half of Queensland's retirees were there. Oh and did I mention it started to rain? Thankfully I look fabulous in a plastic poncho. My verdict = more bagpipes next time, I didn't leave with ringing in my ears, obviously an epic fail. AC/DC (my next big concert) I better be thunder struck.

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