Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The no-dig garden

About a year or so ago, Mother and I attended a no-dig garden course provided free by the City of Sydney in conjunction with The Watershed. What is no-dig gardening you ask? Well go google it, but basically it means no soil, no digging. Layers of newspaper, lucerne or other straw and manure...that's it, and of course your plants. The original workshop was great and we both came away with a recycled plastic container full of our new mini no-dig gardens. A year on these are fairing fantastically and have kept us in a supply of parsley and onion chives, only recently needing a few layers of top up.

The no-dig experiment

Not one to let a great gardening idea stop there, I decided I needed a larger no-dig garden. An experiment to see what might work (or not work) on a larger scale. So using my best 'The Secret" vibes I focused on gaining a large container to use as my garden bed. Well and behold...an old bathtub was provided by the lovely Neal.

The no-dig garden

It sat for a while, waiting as I dreamed of walking out the door and snipping a salad for dinner and running my hands through the fragrant herbs after a light rain shower. An afternoon of work and my dream was a reality.

Step 1: layer by thy name
The no-dig garden

Step 2: yes it was slightly smelly...
The no-dig garden

Step 3: and repeat!
The no-dig garden

Step 4: Almost there!
The no-dig garden

Step 5: Plant!
The no-dig garden

Step 6: Ta da! I present, my bathtub no-dig garden!
The no-dig garden

Watch out for updates in the coming months!

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