Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog roll

Every so often I might do a blog roll...which is just a posting about blogs (or really sites/zines/scrapbooks etc) I have seen/read/think are cool or more importantly find vital to the task of daily living. I love the challenge I get when I talk about blogs (usually, and I'm sorry to anyone outside of my generation) but usually this comes from speaking with someone outside my generation who just doesn't 'get' why people would want to blog. 'Why not?' my oft reply and why not indeed when there are so many people doing interesting things. Why wouldn't you want to participate in a world where you can, through the click of a few buttons, open up to worlds and experiences, thoughts and inspirations of others. Don't knock it to you try it, I say.

Every day I'm more and more inspired by the people I find (or should I say fall into my lap) from the world of the internets. More and more my discussion with friends focuses on a subjects that so and so's blog bought about. Here's a few I've just started to follow simply because they, well, are (and I do hate to say it again, but really it's true) inspiring.

Jessica works in advertising in Sydney. Her blog, her online scrapbook is amazing.

A wonderful journey week by week into a different suburbs of Sydney with photography that never disappoints. Train trip anyone?

Self-reflective and again much like an online scrapbook, but oh so cool (well way cooler than my little blog). NY-based Digital Strategist Bud Caddell is on a journey of 'aggregating and curating everything I do, read and generally consume'. I'm hooked Bud.

Ok, not a serious one now, but the tales of Scaryduck, the fragrant Mrs Duck and Scaryduck Jnr are irresistible. Full of epic fail, sick in a hedge and Kim Jong II.

Got a suggestion for something that might float my boat? Do share.

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