Monday, September 14, 2009

Power to the Pixel

Power to the ask? Well yes, another of these wonderful conference/forums/summit thingys that pop up. Attending moi? Well not unless anyone has a spare plane ticket lying around? But reading and interested...oui. A few tidbits that caught my eye...

The democratisation of digital tools enables audiences to push-button publish, upload audio and video, and provides the opportunity for amateurs to pursue larger audiences than that of their professional counterparts. A new generation is coming of age in a connected world. With the advent of more screens, more media and ultimately more competition for people’s time, storytellers must consider the behaviour of the audiences they hope to engage.
How do we entice people to pay for content they can get for nothing? The key is recognising that in the digital world, there are new ways to measure value. The old model was one of scarcity, but in a digital world it is easy to make a copy, so there’s no scarcity and therefore less value in each copy.

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